Advanced Planning Concepts: Developing Incident Action Plan - May 12/13 - Berthoud, CO

The class will be held at the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy, 220 Water Avenue in Berthod, CO from May 12-13, 2010.  This two-day course is designed to immerse the participants in the usage and understanding of ICS forms, the Advanced Planning process, and several other critical advanced planning products and techniques.  Participants work to develop an accurage, graded, Incident Action Plan and appropriate adjoining products and displays while encountering a variety of stimulus that is experienced in real world incidents.  Course scenarios are based on the 15 national planning scenarios and address both targets and tasks as outlined by the Department of Homeland Security.  This is an advanced course.  Participants will have the most success if they have previously completed ICS-300 and have a strong understanding of the usage of the incident command system in both expanding and complex incidents.

For more information and for registration, see the APC: Developing Incident Action Plans Flyer.  For any questions regarding the training, contact