The Cell - The Future of Terrorism: Homegrown Threats and the U.S. Response Featuring The Honorable Tom Ridge

On April 27, 2010, the Center for Empowered Living and Learning (The CELL), Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper and the Denver Post are presenting "The Future of Terrorism: Homegrown Threats and the U.S. Response featuring The Honorable Tom Ridge".

Moderated by the Honorable Craig Stapleton, Former U.S. Ambassador to France, the event will include a presentation by Tom Ridge, the first Secretary of U.S. Homeland Security, an exhibit tour of the "Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: Understanding the Threat of Terrorism" exhibit and include a reception and program at the Denver Art Museum.

For more info and to RSVP (by April 20, 2010), contact or at (303) 844-4000 ext. 7. The pamphlet for the event is embedded below and contains more details on the speakers and the event.