Tornado Safety Tips
When a tornado watch is announced, it means conditions are present for a tornado.
Keep a radio/TV tuned for further information, and gather emergency supplies.
When a Tornado Warning is issued, it means a tornado has been sighted or is imminent. Take shelter immediately.
If you are at home:
Go to your basement. If you have no basement, go to an interior hallway or small interior room on the the lowest floor.
Avoid windows.
Do not remain in a trailer or mobile home if a tornado is approaching. Take cover elsewhere.
If you are at work:
Go to an interior hallway on the lowest floor, or a designated shelter.
Avoid windows.
If you are at school:
Follow instructions of authorities/teachers.
Stay out of structures with wide free-span roofs like auditoriums and gyms.
If you are in a car or outside:
Seek cover in a nearby building, or lie flat in a ditch or ravine.