G-291 - Joint Information System/Joint Information Center Planning for Tribal, State and Local PIOs
August 5-6, 2010
The two day course is intended for public information officers (PIO’s). this class is about how to set up a coordinated public information system and joint information center (JIC).
Historic Routt County Courthouse 522 Lincoln Avenue, Third Floor BCC Hearing Room Steamboat Springs, CO
www.dola.state.co.us/oem Training 75-5 EZ Form. This course is first come, first served. Lodging will be provided for those over 50 miles.
Target Audience
Potential Emergency Management Public Information Professionals
Recommended Prerequisites
NIMS IS 700, IS 800, ICS 100
For more information contact
Robyn Knappe, DEM Training Officer - 720-852-6617 or at robyn.knappe@state.co.us