Colorado Emergency Planning Commission - Meeting Agenda - July 14, 2010

Location:Colorado Division of Emergency Management 9195 E. Mineral Ave., Centennial, CO  80112

MEETING AGENDA - July 14, 2010

1:00 PM    Welcome and Introductions - Hans Kallam, Co-Chair; Greg Stasinos, Co-Chair
1:10 PM    Approval of previous meeting minutes - Hans Kallam
1:15 PM    Update from State Working Group - Ron Prater
1:25 PM    Update on Legislative Issues - Tim Gablehouse
1:35 PM    Rule Making– Tier2 submit, etc. (purpose & needs statement) - Tim Gablehouse
1:55 PM    Annual LEPC Conference - September 8-10 - Jack Cobb
2:25 PM    Break   
2:40 PM    Overview of Attorney General’s Office - Environmental Task Force - Troy Arnold
2:55 PM    Future Initiatives: Sub-Committees/Workgroups –  LEPC membership review, bylaws, webpage, LEPC outreach, contractor - Hans Kallam
3:30 PM    LEPC Survey Review -Rose Lynch
3:50 PM    Approval of LEPC members - Jack Cobb
4:00 PM    Adjourn

Fore more on the CEPC, its mission and the meeting(s), see the June Announcement for the July 2010 CEPC Meeting or contact