The Division of Emergency Management (DEM) is looking to hire an Emergency Management Planner for our Headquarters Office. This announcement closes on August 13, 2010. This position as an Emergency Management Planner will work with the State lead Emergency Management Planning Officer to draft, develop, maintain, and coordinate designated State-level operational procedures, plans, functional and incident specific annexes, with the main document being the State Emergency Operations Plan; support other government entities in the development and coordination of their plans; assist in collecting, evaluating, and disseminating information pertaining to a hazard class; and provide direct support in designing and implementing exercises and training to evaluate and improve the plans.
During specific emergencies or incidents the Planner will assist in preparing and documenting Incident Action Plans (IAP) and incident maps and gathers and disseminates information and intelligence critical to the incident. The position will serve in the rotation of Division of Emergency Management Duty Officer and performs duty officer responsibilities for a designated period of time, 24 hours per day.
NOTE: This position is for a specific grant and there is no guarantee of continued employment beyond the grand end date (grant provides for an 18 month performance period). For more information on the position or to apply, check out the Emergency Management Planner Announcement on the Department of Local Affairs HR site or contact Susie Esparza at or at (303) 866-5884.