Training co-hosted by the Colorado State University Police Department, City of Fort Collins and the North East All Hazard Region. Presented by the National Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center/New Mexico Tech, the lead DHS National Domestic Preparedness Consortium partner for explosives and firearms, live explosives, and incendiary devices training.
Session I: Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings – IRTB – 4 hours
Designed to prepare emergency responders to perform effectively and safely during bombing incidents, principally in support roles within the warm and cold zones of the incident scene. Familiarization with improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and explosive materials and detailed training on critical response actions during pre-and post detonation operations. In addition, the course addresses actions that emergency responders can take to prevent and/or deter bombing attacks against targets in their communities.
Course Objectives
Prepare emergency responders to perform critical response actions during pre- and post-detonation incidents involving terrorist use of energetic materials (explosives and incendiaries); provide emergency responders with techniques to prevent and/or deter terrorist attacks involving energetic materials; and instill in participants a respect for the destructive potential of energetic materials that may be used in terrorist attacks
Session II: Prevention of and Response to Suicide Bombing Incidents - PRSBI - 4 hours
Provides training on the suicide bombing threat. Includes familiarization with improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and explosive materials typically used in suicide bombings. It also addresses actions that individual emergency responders can take to assist in preventing or deterring suicide bombings as well as techniques, tactics, and procedures that support an effective and safe response to a suicide bombing.
Course Objectives
Provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to identify and report pre-attack indicators; and participate in an integrated response to a suicide bombing using safe and effective techniques, tactics, and procedures.
Session III: Initial Law Enforcement Response to Suicide Bombing Attacks – ILERSBA – 8 hours
Provides front line law enforcement officers with the skills and knowledge to effectively interdict and respond to an imminent person-borne suicide bombing attack or an attack involving a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (IED) Effective response requires a multitude of immediate decisions on the part of law enforcement officers. These decisions include safety and legal considerations. The needs assessment for this course indicates a significant training gap in this area. This course is intended to meet those needs and deals specifically with immediate decisions and actions in fact to face encounters of person-borne and vehicle-borne IED attacks.
Course Objectives
List five reasons why terrorists select suicide bombing as their method of attack; describe the evolution of the suicide bombing tactic; describe the three methods for delivery of an explosive device by suicide bombers; describe the physical effects of an explosion and explain how the physical effects of an explosion or an IED impact on public and first responder safety; list safety rules that govern response during suicide bombing incidents; distinguish between the application of probable cause to suicide bombing incidents in routine law enforcement situations; describe potential appearances and behavioral indicators of an imminent attack; describe current guidelines on the use of deadly force that might apply when the threat of a suicide bombing attack exists and list current guidelines that might apply to the issues of officer liability and qualified immunity; select appropriate tactics for incapacitating a suicide bomber; recognize suspicious indicators of potential improvised explosive devices; define and apply safe principles of evacuation and/or shelter in place; and define safety hazards based on the type of VBIED.
Session IV: Understanding and Planning for School Bomb Incidents (UPSBI) – 4 hours
Course Objectives
Understanding the Threat discusses components of a school response plan including a bomb incident response plan. The section on threat and threat assessment includes warning signs of aggressive student behavior.
Responding to the Threat describes the types of threats and defines critical actions for documenting and responding. In addition, types of incident scenarios, critical response actions for each type of scenario, and the factors to consider in determining the most appropriate evacuation action are defined and described. The concepts of time, distance, and shielding discussed in the module are applicable to a wide variety of school incidents; recognizing Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) explains the major components of an IED and safety measures to consider with a suspicious device; developing preventive measures; discusses the importance of prevention and mitigation which includes school security assessments and security measures that serve to increase security and safety, and mitigation is what schools do to reduce or eliminate risk and includes implementing critical components of a bomb response plan such as training and exercising the plan.
Target Audience: Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Services, and Public Safety Communications, Public Works, Emergency Management and Health Care Providers.
Participants should be assigned to a position/agency that provides initial response to bombing incidents.
Tuesday, July 20th
7:45am - Registration Begins
8:00am – 12:00pm Opening Remarks. Training - IRTB
12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch Break
1:00pm - 5:00pm - Training – PRSBI
Wednesday, July 21st
8:00am – 12:00pm Training - ILERSBA
12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch Break
1:00pm - 5:00pm - Training – ILERSBA
Thursday, July 22nd
8:00am – 12:00pmTraining, Evaluations, present certificates - UPSBI
Registration: By email to: Please provide name(s), title, agency and a contact phone number in your RSVP. For assistance please contact Chief Mike Gavin, 970-566-7328, or Lt. Scott Harris, 970-980-3816.
Cost: All training and course materials are provided free of charge.
Training Location: Hughes Meeting Room, 2nd floor, Hughes Stadium, 2011 S. Overland Tr., Fort Collins, CO 80523
You may attend individual courses or all 3.