In particular, we addressed the challenges of transportation, communication, life-safety messages, public utilities, sheltering and housing, and basic needs assistance. Organized into our State Recovery Task Force and the respective Emergency Support Functions of the State's Emergency Operations Center, we engaged in a structured and detailed evaluation of the short and longer-term challenges and missions for each of the challenges.
Now that the course has concluded, we will now turn to getting our minds and fingers to the task of going through the minutes, identifying lessons and issues requiring further action and getting a plan together that outlines what, who and how issues will be resolved that we identified during the exercise. We will be posting much more information on this effort in the future as the reports are generated. Of course, the ultimate product of this effort will be captured in our update to the State Emergency Operations Plan. In particular, at the conclusion of today's activities, the Emergency Management Institute team provided participants with the a suite of electronic materials. In the coming weeks, I will be going through these materials and documents and making select documents available.
Specifically, our goal here at the Division is to expand upon this experience at the State-level and develop a training and exercise program that could be implemented in Colorado at the local and municipal level, organized and hosted by the State's Division of Emergency Management. The concept, still in its infancy, is that we would bring state-level EOC teams comprised of various State-level Emergency Support Function representatives to host a two-day course for local emergency operations centers. Conceptually, the first day would be a review and training class with the second day a functional exercise. There will be more on this to come, too!