COEmergency Pages

Colorado State Forest Service - 2011 Wildfire Briefing

Given the ever-present threat and history of wildland fires in Colorado, one of our Division's closest partners is the Colorado State Forest Service, or CSFS.  In Colorado, the CSFS is the lead agency for wildfire response and the lead Emergency Support Function during a state wildfire declaration. In their capacity as the organization responsible for managing and extinguishing fires that go beyond the capability of locals, a 'must read' for anyone in Colorado's emergency management community is the CSFS Wildfire Briefing for 2011.

During a wildland fire, our Division's task is to help support the CSFS and to help coordinate our actions and those of other state Emergency Support Function agencies involved in State emergency operations in support of the CSFS.  For more on the role of the CSFS in wildland fire and for contact information, check out the CSFS Wildfire Page.