Managing Logistics: Resource Ordering and Management Presentation - Additional Resource Docs
Presenters: Bruce Holloman (Bruce.Holloman@state.co.us) and Bill Miederhoff (William.Miederhoff@cdps.state.co.us)
This presentation introduced Colorado's new resource management system, the Connect Colorado System. The system includes pre-planned mission packages based on Colorado threats, planning, response, mitigation, and includes priority resource ordering, location of closest resources and the process for ordering resources from the State EOC to be tracked through the demobilization phase. This system is the first emergency response database to provide resources from both governmental agencies and all private sector entities, designed to truly enhance one-stop shopping in Colorado.
Activating resources in Colorado rests in multiple launch points. Emergency managers, sheriffs, county commissioners, some large cities, tribes or incident commanders can all tap into and request resources in the event of an emergency. The preferred route at the state-level to track resources is through the county emergency manager.
Holloman reviewed the steps in the Colorado Resource Mobilization Plan and stressed how the Connect Colorado System has been designed to mirror the plan. Essentially, in the past incidents were handled by local incident commanders and when resource 'knowns' were exhausted, the Hail Mary went out. The concept behind Connect Colorado is to enable available resources to self-identify and indicate their availability. While there is a ROSS system in place, the Connect Colorado System is intended to enhance the ability to identify resources based on location and provide a wider-range of opt-in participation from public and private sector resources.
To go through the Connect Colorado System, Bill Miederhoff from the Division of Fire Safety walked through a slide presentation with screen shots of the system (presentation will be posted online). Bill indicated that ROSS was not designed to accommodate sheltering systems, snowplows and other all-hazards. The idea is to combine the powerful ROSS dispatching capabilities with a Colorado-based resource database that has a greater degree of capacity and all-hazard options.
A special balance was built into the system to accommodate nondisclosure acts and protection of proprietary information. There is a vetting process with each private sector resource to ensure they are who they'll say they are and can deliver resources identified. For all users, the system is designed to be we-based so it is accessible on multiple platforms and designed to be user-updatable.
The system walk-through slides will be posted online later today, but system questions can be directed to william.miederhoff@cdps.state.co.us.