Through AEMP’s coordination of the Colorado Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps, members were deployed this spring to:
• respond to the Burning Tree Fire to assist with the opening and staffing of a small animal shelter at the County Fairgrounds;
• provide veterinary services to 50 canine search and rescue teams undergoing certification at the Denver International Airport Rubble Pile;
• support the movement of animals to the new Denver Animal Shelter by providing planning and evaluation assistance; and
• train participants on animal emergency response at Colorado’s Volunteer Capacity Building Workshop.

Supporting companion and service animal issues in the State Emergency Operations Center and providing resources to local animal response efforts are a responsibility of AEMP. Staff and volunteers continue to train and exercise and supported both the Four Mile Canyon and Burning Tree events by facilitating the provision of necessary response resources.
For more information on AEMP visit their website www.cvmf.org/aemp. To have AEMP assist your community, contact Deborah Foote, Director at deborahfoote@cvmf.org or 303.539.7633.