Guest Blog: Train the Trainer Course a Success

Colorado Assists in Nationwide Goal to Train 17 Million Emergency Personnel in NIMS

The class ended today with the certifiication of 27 new Incident Command System (ICS) instructors.  We are proud of each instructor as they have stepped up to assist in training 17 million first responders and emergency workers nationwide in the Naitonal Incident Management System (NIMS).
Thanks to each new ICS instructor who took the time to take the week long training course. And thanks to the instructor trainers and guest lecturers who were willing to teach the best practices of ICS 300-400 level training course.  These included: Todd Manns, Chad Ray and Jim Krugman.
We will go forward by having the new instructors work with the seasoned instructors statewide.  The first course being taught with the new material will be at the Colorado Wildfire Academy in January 2012 at Aims Community College.