The Roxborough Fire Mitigation Committee will host a Wildfire Preparedness Conference at the
Roxborough Community Center. The Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Colorado Office of Preparedness, READYColorado, and the West Metro Fire District are strongly supporting this event. Radio Disney will be combining youth entertainment with messages about emergency preparedness. Learning and fun are interactively presented to entire families.
Another family attraction will be the introduction of a family of goats to the community. Roxborough
fire mitigation projects planned for later in the summer, will incorporate goats (on a trial basis) to
remove fuels in areas too steep or rugged for mechanical treatments. A herd of 50 goats is reported
to be able to eat as much as 500 pounds of vegetation daily and this eco-friendly approach to wild land management leaves a minimal carbon footprint.
The West Metro Fire Department will position fire equipment outside the Community Center to
demonstrate their capabilities and tactics and to answer any questions. Fire department personnel
will also participate in keynote and breakout sessions throughout the day.
Programs beginning at 11am will cover in detail what was learned from last summer’s Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado Springs. The Ready, Set, Go wildfire action plan so crucial to saving lives and property through advance planning and actions will be covered.
The success of this Day of Service depends on your participation. There are events for the entire
family. Please give part of your day on May 4th to this important function. Light food will be served.
Listen to the Radio Disney Spot for the Roxborough Event:
Photos of activities that will be available at Roxborough Park
