The Colorado Division of Homeland Security welcomes Sara Spaulding to the Startegic Communications team today. She can be contacted by email at, cell phone is 720-879-2462 and desk phone is 720-852-6625.

Sara Spaulding is the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and
Emergency Management (DHSEM) Communications Specialist and is based in
the Centennial DHSEM Office. A member of the Board of the Public
Relations Society of America (PRSA) Colorado Chapter, Spaulding is an
accredited public relations professional (APR) and a national PRSA
Spaulding is a member of the Emergency Services Public Information
Officers of Colorado (ESPIOC) and following the crash of an
AirLife helicopter in 1997, founded the Friends of AirLife Committee,
whose Board hosts the annual EMS Celebration and AirLife Memorial
Run/Walk. She responded as the PIO/Spokesperson for Swedish Medical
Center following the shootings at Columbine High School, for multiple
incidents/exercises while working for Denver Health and Hospitals, for
wildfires, blizzards and other disasters while serving with the Mile
High Chapter of the American Red Cross, and most recently during service
outages experienced by CenturyLink. Spaulding also served for more than
eight years as the Vice President of Communications for the Alzheimer's
Association of Colorado receiving multi-year awards for media
Spaulding teaches part-time for the Metropolitan State University of
Denver and, since 2006, has taught G290 and other PIO courses for DHSEM.
She was recently deployed as the Lead PIO for the JIC during the Gold
King Mine Release in Durango. Spaulding received her master's degree in
communications from CSU.