Registration Open for 2016 Colorado Integrated Emergency Management Conference

Capability and Capacity: Preparedness Isn't By Chance

Registration is now open for the 2016 Colorado Integrated Emergency Management Conference. 

Conference Logistics

Date:            March 8-10, 2016

Location:     Hotel Elegante Conference & Event Center

Address: 2886 S Circle Dr.,Colorado Springs, Colo., 80906

Conference Fee: $225 before February 1, 2016 and $275 after February 1, 2016.

Registration Information

  • Registration closes on February 22, 2016.  No walk-in registrations will be accepted at the conference. 
  • Conference attendees, speakers, vendors and volunteers registering for the conference please click register online.

Hotel Reservations

Reserve a room through the  hotel's reservation page.  Let hotel reservations staff know you are with the CEMA 2016 Emergency Management Conference. The CEMA hotel group code is 1421900.

Conference Hashtag and Social Media Updates

The  hashtag for the 2016 conference will be #COEM2016.  Updates will be posted on Twitter on @COEmergency and  @cemacolorado.  Updates will be posted on the COEmergency Facebook page.  Lastly, website updates can be found at and